Cranes are an essential part of all construction projects, and all though they can be found on sites all over South Africa, they are complicated pieces of heavy machinery that require skill and experience to operate. There are a lot of risks associated with their use: the cranes themselves may take damage, as could the structure that it is being used to build. Additionally, there are serious health and safety risks associated with them. So to avoid such accidents, here are a few good reasons why you should make sure that each crane operator under your employ, is correctly trained to conduct their activities responsibly.
Avoiding Expensive Accidents
As part of your construction process, you are responsible not only for the structures being erected on the site, but also all of the costly machinery and vehicles on it as well. It only takes a momentary lapse in concentration or a small mistake for the unthinkable to occur, leaving you with damaged structures and equipment that will not only be costly to replace, but will also result in serious delays for your project.
Protecting Workers and Bystanders
There is also the risk to humans to consider when utilising cranes on your site. Accidents can result in serious injuries, employee downtime, and in serious situations, even death. Not only would an event such as this be considered a tragedy, but will also put you in the unpleasant situation of having to deal with settlements, lawsuits and claims.
Giving your Operators a Sense of Responsibility
A well trained operator that is in charge of his station or crane will take that much more pride in his/her job. By giving them a sense of responsibility in this regard, you will improve their performance and the care at which they approach the project with. This kind of responsibility is best fostered with training programmes that build knowledge and passion for the equipment. Just one more good reason to make sure you supply the means for your workforce to grow their skills.
Be Made Aware of Problems Before They Arise
Giving your workers responsibility will also result in them paying closer attention to the condition of the cranes and their associated components. Because of this, you will likely find out about impending problems with their condition before they cause you any downtime; since your operators will have the means to notice these problems and report them, you will be able to have them dealt with in good time.
Contact JMB Cranes for Details
If you would like to learn more about purchasing or renting cranes for your next big construction project, contact a representative from JMB Cranes today, or visit our website for further details.